Solar eclipse

A Yahoo AP article has an interesting gallery of photos from the event, showing a fascinating congruence in the developing world of cultural antiquity and traditional dress with technological and manufacturing progress, providing what may be a first real opportunity for more people than ever before to appreciate the event safely.
NASA's Earth Observatory has an interesting article and photos as well, including the following photo from space showing the shadow cast by the moon as it passed between the the sun and Earth in an earlier 1999 solar eclipse.

4/09/06 update:

The shadow of the moon falls on Earth as seen from the International Space Station, 230 miles above the planet, during a total solar eclipse at about 4:50 a.m. CST, Wednesday, March 29. This digital photo was taken by the Expedition 12 crew, Commander Bill McArthur and Flight Engineer Valery Tokarev, who are wrapping up a six-month mission on the complex. Part of the Mediterranean Sea can be seen outside the shadow.
Nasa Earth Observatory
great pictures!
Keep it up. Looking forward to more of them.
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